Sunday, May 16, 2010

Morning Movement

PAUL STRAND: "I go and get the camera and do it. Photography is a medium in which if you don’t do it then, very often you don’t do it at all, because it doesn’t happen twice. A rock will probably always be more or less there just the way you saw it yesterday. But other things change, they’re not always there the day after or the week after. Either you do it or you don’t. Certainly with things as changeable as sky and landscape with moving clouds and so on, if they look wonderful to you on a certain day and if you don’t do it then, you may never see them again for the rest of your life. So as a photographer you become very conscious – at least I do – that everything is in movement."


Trotter said...

What a painting!!

Emery Roth said...

Thank you. It's one of those early bird things.

Jeannette StG said...

Oh I can relate -some pics I wished I had taken then...because it never looks the same!

Emery Roth said...

Absolutely! John Shaw also advises, when it looks like a picture, take it because it will never look the same again.