Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Barncat (Sophie) with Spring House & Kuerner Hill

PHOTOGRAPHER'S JOURNAL - Thoughts while watching Sophie:

I leave it to others to advise me if this photo was worth the effort it took to bring it to fruition. It is another case of light that entices the eye but defies the lens with extremes of bright and dark. One sign of the stress is the extreme graininess of some sections.

Making it, required an HDR composite of four different exposures. However, the center of the HDR lacked clarity. It is a picture within a picture and needs a level of realism beyond Sophie's grainy, barn world. In order to preserve the clarity in the center picture I inlaid a segment from one of the original exposures. If one zooms in very close one may spot some of the Frankenstein-like sutures. That's a lot of touch-up work, and I'm not sure the whole thing is worth it, but I do love it when light starts playing with windows and windows start playing with light. I should have photographed more in that corner and at the shed just across the farmyard.

I know some will object to the intrusion of Rubbermaid. Oh, and the spring house! I had passed here on my way out 40 minutes earlier when the sun fell beautifully on its end gable. I didn't shoot it then as I was heading to another possible shot. The other shot was worthless, but now I'd like to know what images might have been prompted by that other lighting. Have I missed a better moment? One never likes to admit such things. Choices!


Grandma said...

Walking under the lintel from the clutter of the 21st century to the uncluttered world of the 19th century spring house and the hillside beyond is an interesting juxtaposition of chaos vs. serene. Is that what you were hoping to convey, or am I reading too much into this?

Emery Roth said...

Without wanting to be too specific about where the photo may lead, I think you are on target. There may be many more directions within that. It need not be a glance into the past but the scene outside has a quality of quaintness and prettiness wholly lacking inside. The cat's attention is outside and the contrast might also be between where the cat is and what the cat dreams. Sophie watches much as Maggie used to watch the life of the street from the back of our Shadyside sofa.

GMG said...

I won't engage in the discussion, but in simple terms this «3D» picture is perfect!!

Emery Roth said...

Thank you. Yes, depth was a goal.