Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Loose Change

PHOTOGRAPHER’S JOURNAL:  Perhaps it’s a natural part of getting older to think more often about change. Recently, while reviewing old photo shoots I came upon this image I shot in August of 2007 with my friend Bob Lejeune, when my “Today’s Photo” habit was only 8 months old. Posting the finished gantry image here concludes my eighth year of trying to produce constantly better images and refining the relation between words and image. Though shot in 2007, I processed it last week. I can’t look at it without thinking about the ways I have changed and what remains constant.

Of course, as the title indicates, to me the picture itself is about change. The building under construction is now finished and fully occupied. The row of buildings stand where the last of Manhattan’s freight yards stood not long ago. I remember when those rail yards and their infrastructure approached where Lincoln Center now stands, and when the demolition of the neighborhood provided a key location for the 1960 filming of much of West Side Story. Personal memories lead me back to the fifties and trips and my father when he got in a mood to go driving on Sunday, riding beneath the highway and exploring the piers a bit further south where the giant ocean liners docked and finishing our explorations at the Fulton Fish Market. There’s no doubt neighborhoods have changed.

Of course, change is often part of a trajectory. The new year is the traditional time to consider altering trajectories. To do so requires thoughtful consideration of how things have changed.  

Have a very happy new year and remember it’s not too late to order: Brass Valley: Fall of an American Industry (http://www.schifferbooks.com/brass-valley-the-fall-of-an-american-industry-5747.html)


Ginnie Hart said...

Since we have known each other as long as our blogs, almost, Ted, I love seeing the change in us both. For me, I assume, it can only get better! Thank you for sticking with me all these years. I have LOVED the visual contact and hope for many more to come.

Happy New Year to you and Jane both.

Emery Roth said...

...and a happy new year to you and many more years of happy blogging. May every post be better than the one before.

Bob Lejeune said...

I remember that day well. I even have a picture of you and your tripod not too far from where this picture was taken. It's hanging on my study wall up in Gardiner.

Happy New Year to you and Jane.


Emery Roth said...

and I have at least one or two of you from that day including one at such a distance, only I know it's you.