Monday, July 4, 2011

Cell Block Twelve, Floor Three

PHOTOGRAPHER'S JOURNAL: Imprisonment is antithetical to freedom. Prisons measure the failure of a society to be free. Their walls are scarred with that failure.


Ginnie Hart said...

I find myself staring at this, Ted. Apart from the stark pathos of the image, I love the vanishing-point perspective~.

Tim said...

There's something fascinating about the perspective of this prison photo even though it reflects failure in society.

Emery Roth said...

Ginnie and Tim - My friend Gary and I spent some time discussing how to photograph the wagon. On the first day neither of us succeeded. For a long time I was looking the other way, but when I moved here I knew the shot would work. One thought was to suspend your camera over the middle. Thanks for visiting and leaving comments.

Trotter said...

What a collection!!

Emery Roth said...

Alas, you probably read them in reverse order. I wonder if it matters.