Monday, February 14, 2011


PHOTOGRAPHER'S JOURNAL: Spotted in an old barn in Cornwall, I was struck by the momentary confluence. That was the orbit of my eye. All my picture thoughts revolved on that axis, and by the time I set up and took this shot, it was time to leave. In the rush, I have no notes on what the machine on the left does, nor a photograph of the mechanism, but my recollection is that it had something to do with separating seed from chaff.


Trotter said...

Much more peaceful than Lybia, Bahrein, etc...

Emery Roth said...

I guess you haven't been to Wisconsin recently. Well, yes, more peaceful than Lybia and Bahrein. It's been a long time since there has been that kind of revolution in these hills.

Ginnie Hart said...

This is to stare at, Ted! Gorgeous lighting.

Tim said...

I like how you preserve remnants of history with character.

Emery Roth said...

Thanks, Ginnie. It was back in a corner. The lighting was interesting but without hdr it would have needed lights. It's a kind of picture I love to put together.

Tim, I like to think of it as time travel. To me it's a bigger mystery than space. Around here there's a farm landscape that's quickly disappearing. I know areas beyond the Phila. suburbs that are similar. I've lived here 30 years, but I'm only now really aware of how much has changed in that time.