Friday, January 7, 2011

Waltzing Autumn

BILL VAUGHN: "Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the street after them."

PHOTOGRAPHER'S JOURNAL: I made a point of getting back to Red Hook to catch Meadow Brook Farm as the season changed.

A Place to Swing

They resign themselves to slopes beneath and 
slowly embrace the earth. 

They rotate the sky above their heads and 
mark each year with a ring. 

They bend with the wind, change garments with the seasons, and 
strive to reach the sun. 

Beneath their canopies are places to dally,  but 
trees are time's watchmen. 

How many lifetimes have these ancient maples and these old barns been 
dancing here?


Grandma said...

I've gotta say it: the color of the barn is simply awful.

Emery Roth said...

I know; that's not your color, but don't take it out on the barns. In any case, the paint has aged beautifully, and will continue to age to, I suspect a nice, light blue-grey.

Trotter said...

I have a friend who wanted to move to Suburbia; I bet he never would... He's still on 5th Av. and 98th street, but bought a house in Rumson, across from «The Boss»' house... ;))

Emery Roth said...

I grew up in NYC, and my roots are there. I could easily move back, but I would miss rural Connecticut. I'm happy city or country just not in between.