Monday, August 17, 2009

Mahone Reverb

GUY TAL: "The answers are ambiguous – the image needs to be complex but not to a point of clutter, or it needs to be simple but not to a point of being too literal. It needs to have a message yet without the message being too obvious… or too obscure. Confused? If so, you have just learned an important lesson – art does not follow hard and fast rules, and thus transcends any attempt at a ubiquitous definition."

PHOTOGRAPHER'S JOURNAL: I've often thought that by definition the the true nature of art is to defy all previous definitions of art but that even that definition was perfectly useless.


Grandma said...

Beautiful, delicate, almost hypnotizing - guess that's why folks vacation at the shore. Perhaps not great art, but lovely composition, and emotive - it works for me.

Emery Roth said...

Oh, good! I'd hoped you might like this one. The final form of the image doesn't at all resemble what I thought it would be when I shot it.

GMG said...

Hi Ted!
Wonderful picture! I'm imagining the view of the hurdles to be run in a speedy 110m; but Bolt doesn't run hurdles... ;)

Blogtrotter is leaving Iceland, but before departing it shows you the incredible Blue Lagoon. Enjoy and have a fabulous week!