Sunday, February 22, 2009

Edenalia No.1

EDVARD MUNCH: "The camera cannot compete with painting as long as it cannot be used in heaven or hell."

PHOTOGRAPHER'S DIARY: "Taking Stock of Ice Storm Lessons, resumed": The morning of the January ice storm was rare, a real light show. Only now am I getting back to what I shot. The strengths and flaws of this photo should be a reminder of the difficulties previously recorded in this journal. There was a better exposure setting available that might have let me hold the depth of focus while still stopping the wind. The difference would have been enough to make the front branch sharp. Lesson learned, I hope.


Mel Chern said...

I really like the warm glow of this one.

Emery Roth said...

THank you for the comment. More to come. I had guessed that the technical issues with this one might have put you off.

Mel Chern said...

...see I'm not that predictable!

Emery Roth said...

You never have been.

Mel Chern said...

LOL, I just emailed you a link...I have a project for us this summer!