I'm writing this from the campus of the Maine Photographic Workshop in Rockport, Maine. As I'm outside and running on battery this note may be short. Earlier in the week I woke at 6AM and found my yard filled with fog. That is a call to arms, and after hurrying to dress I decided to make a quick stop at Mt. Tom Pond just three miles from my house to catch a few shots quickly in case the fog lifted. I wanted to make it quick and then head for Straight Farm where the long view of the valley might offer many possibilities. Alas, it is the old syndrome of chasing photos. I should have spent much longer at Mt. Tom. How could I expect a more photogenic scene anywhere? Perhaps it was the hum of the state highway that made me move on, or simply the prospect of a quiet morning at Straight. However, foolishly I snapped just three shots at Mt. Tom and then moved on. Looking at what resulted, I can think of lots of other shooting options that might have kept me snapping for hours. Straight was not nearly so good. In any case, I'm pleased with the single image that resulted, but the lesson remains one I still need to learn.
This image was coverted for posting in Photoshop which tends to wash things out a bit. However, as it is too complicated to follow my usual procedure, I'll just hope for the best. Under current light I can't see the shot which I edited for posting last night. I hope I like it when I see it under better conditions.
Its a beautiful, dreamy shot. The lone man in the pic adds character to it . Fog is a rarity in the parts i live , that makes it all the more precious for a Florida resident
I've been looking for fog. It is to be treasured here too.
Hi (Roth?),
Today's is a good photo, the weather (misty) however makes the pictures, "the way it is" . But...you were there at the right time. I like it,
Don't worrie about photo-shopping, do that later when you have more time. What kind of (photo)lessons are you following?
I like your photography, you might want to visit my blog, look under the labels "travelling" (just pick one day with travelling under it) When I can help you, just let me know.
Greetings JoAnn From Holland
Thanks for your comments. The workshop I'm taking is called Expressive Photography. Our time is spent mostly going out and taking photos and coming back and reviewing and discussing them. The teacher is very perceptive, and his comments are quite helpful and encouraging. This is part of a school of photography in Maine (U.S.) that brings people from all over the world. It is the Main Photographic Workshop. Google them and you can learn more.
As to what you call "photo shopping," as I explained in day one of our workshop, my greatest strength in photography is concentration and my greatest weakness is concentration.
Thankyou for your discribing the course, I think its great to do this course.! I will 'google' it, but I also like your 'life' opinion. OOww.. just do or don't concentrate!
When you're back home, please visit my website when you're back.(see on the side of my blog) , I am curious how you like this course, I'll write back late August OK? (after holidays)
JoAnn Toi Toi Toi!
I LOVE fog photos, Ted. And this is exactly why!
So glad you're liking your course in Maine...where my son has gone twice!!
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