I'm pleased to announce that in the recent juried show at the Washington Art Association, my photograph, "Made in America" won 2nd place and a cash prize. Information about the show can be found at: http://www.washingtonartassociation.org/exhibitions/membersshow/thewinners/
Upstream MusicUpstream,riversbeginasraindrops.They fall,splash,gather in puddles, overflow into rillsand creeks,runnels and freshets,minnows and frogs,beetles and waterbugs,scarabs and butterflies,they tumble down cataracts,cascade along brooks and bubblingstreams that wind through woods and meadows beforebecoming rivers surging white in spring rains, racing, spilling overwaterfalls,where they pause.In deep pools where trout lurkthey carry on the fugal singingever downstreamor along the gulf streamor upsweptin an airstreamin fogs and clouds and drops of rainborn at thirty-two feet per second per second.
As they fall they gain momentumsurge and coarse throughthe industries of our kindand whirling gustsin the maelstrom ofwhatever's next.We are their childrenand long to honor themas we desecrate their shores.