House of LaughsThe illusion of sunsetupends me,sends mereeling likea comet's tail uncertainof any truth butthe sensation of a flight through time,my wild ride in the funhouse.
House of LaughsThe illusion of sunsetupends me,sends mereeling likea comet's tail uncertainof any truth butthe sensation of a flight through time,my wild ride in the funhouse.
When I last visited,regimental ventilatorsstill stood watchover truant catsand the putrid carcass of a pig,and the hay mow dreamedof mooing cowsthough the floors were goneright down to the undercroft.I wonder what the Winter's wrought.
Like a ViolinNothing so hollowas an empty hay barnin a fallow fieldLeaning like dry grassHunched against absent windsthe great ridge pole archingin the tensile magnificence of woodfibers stretched against declineand the tortured harmonicsof its splinteringwithout songon these Cartesian hills.